On this page you can find out about the job categories offered by our company and you can send your CV with the contact form that you will find at the end.

At GRIFON we always strive to operate with a sense of responsibility and safety towards our employees. At the moment, despite all the difficulties that prevail, we are composed of 33 capable executives who are constantly serving and helping us all to evolve together. Our goal is to be constituted of people who create a safe and healthy environment for all, while remaining true to our belief that our people are our greatest asset.



Sellers with previous experience for the promotion of our products in retail stores.

In the wholesale

Reception, Office work, Accounting, Computerization, Warehouse, Transportation, Creative field.


Drywall, electrologically, carpentry etc.

In retail

Customer service at the Grifon chain stores, store manager.

Contact Form.

Here you can send us your interest.

Job application

Customer service at the Grifon chain stores, store manager.